Friday, June 08, 2007

Watching You

Stretch a feline stretch,
Soak up the freshness,
Pick your pick;
It’s time, time to change the beat.

The music’s in your head,
Dance baby, dance.
Move like you’ve
Never moved before.

The stage is set,
And the world awaits,
With bated breath.
To regale in your moves.
Everyone envies your shoes.

They’ll be after you,
For a whiff of,
Your heady perfume;
For that smile,
So infectious;
For a spark from,
The fire that’s you,
That’s truly you!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

In A Parallel World

He sat in a parallel world.
Everything seemed alright.
Yet, his heart fluttered,
Missed yet another beat,
The third time today.
The clock struck eleven;
The monotony continued.
Something was amiss,
He just wouldn’t recall what.

Life’s little surprises

The push from the stormy winds,
The lashing of the rains,
The dazzle of lightning…
In the darkness of the night.

Amidst it all,
A sudden calm;
A gentle memory,
A quick reminder,
Of a fire that’s still alive.

The chaos outside,
The ironical silence within;
Soak it all up!
Life’s little balance-scale,
Will surely tilt back,
Soon… very soon.

A Compromise… not!

The grandness of it all,
Struck me most.
The way he spoke,
The way she entered the room,
The way the little girl danced;
Every action, simple, yet grand!

There was something, not quite right.
The sparkle in her eyes was too bright,
The words he chose were just so,
The dance… ah the dance,
That was just right!

What a pretty picture,
They were everyone’s envy.
But I knew, all was not quite right.

Years later, I met him;
His words were different,
His mood, non descript.
But he seemed comfortable,
In his own skin.

Days later, I met her;
She entered the room,
And people noticed;
But the sparkle in her eyes,
They were more real now.
Not too bright,
Never too bright.

The little girl…
Ah! Yes the little girl;
Her dance was more a song;
Melancholic one moment, happy another.
She enjoyed both the beats.

She smiled at me,
A look of recognition;
Lifted her arms and
Hugged me so.
The world was perfect…
Once more!

Friday, June 01, 2007

The Grand Trek

A thousand seas,
A million mountains,
And a great span of land;
All lay ahead of you.
Gather every strength you can find,
Get every hand on board,
Fill your backpacks,
With just the essentials;
Leave all baggage behind,
Continue your trek… refreshed.
Your destiny beckons,
More than ever before.