Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Fun Young Swing

Sunny skies, flowers in full bloom
Children in the park, filled with happiness and laughter.
I looked at them and pleaded as I creaked
Slowly in to motion, feeling a gust of wind.
Come here and sit on me,
I’ll take you to great heights,
As I fill you with bubbly laughter
Through every link in my chains.

Suddenly darkness! Clouds gathered in gloom,
Dark figures filled the park, a lonely silhouette-
A shape shifter stood out;
I looked on in dread, fear spreading
Through every link in my chains; my seat, stiff
From the day’s work; Aching I looked on,
Pleading with unseeing eyes,
Don’t come near, don’t sit on me.
I know you’ll take me under, deep
Into cavernous places;
You’ll break my chains, detach me
From reality; you’ll break my seat
Until nothing but splinters remain.

I can feel your sweaty face,
Your ravaging hands,
The weight of your large base
Tearing through my planks.
I can feel my chains giving way,
Tearing away from the reality
That is mine, your weight pulling me down;
Your breath acrid fills my very being
As I fall deep in to the abyss
Of a never-ending universe;
Filled with darkness, the voices of beasts,
The smell of disgust, the taste of a thousand
Fetid corpses; an eternity of this.

I know you’re gone, now that morn has come;
But I dread the evening sun;
Bringing with it the shape shifter, that silhouette,
That destroyer of dreams, that killer of innocence.
Here I am, a fun young swing
Destined to spread laughter,
To take children to newer heights;
But your abuse leaves me broken and
Desolate, snatching the laughter
From every child who walks the park. Ever.

Note: I wrote a prequel to this poem "Give Me Strength" back in 2007. Ten years later I had to revisit it and make it mine once again.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Stirrings of an Ineffable Soul

She closed her eyes,
As she felt every part of her being
Immersed in a consciousness, alien to her.
The voices in her head, faint whispers
To begin with, rose to a cacophony,
As the consciousness reached
A crescendo of its own!

Suddenly, it was all over;
She could hear the crash of silence
Against her pining soul.
A silence so loud, she wished
For the cacophony of the voices
In her head again.
Unknown to her, every bit of her soul
Transformed, mutated and altered
To soak in the silence,
Silently creating a sound of its own.

Exhausted, she lay, waiting
Patiently, for the pain,
The angst and the clarity
Of the unknown.
She relinquished her ego;
She relinquished her name;
She welcomed the unknown
With open arms and
Closed eyes.

In darkness of the sun,
It crept up on her,
Shrouding her being,
Purifying her soul,
Lightening her mind,
Brightening her body, and
Freeing her dreams;
Until all there was left
Was a single unity;
An unknown one.

There was no her;
There was no soul;
There was no light;
There was no pain;
There was only
The pureness of being.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Journey

Austrian Landscape

Lost everyday
In the mundane,
In the living;
The soul gladdens,
Expands and accepts;
That which is lost,
Deep within us,
At the center of the cosmos.

I look into myself - 
Surprised, amused and
Nonchalant at what I see.
"This is being."
She tells me.

I close my eyes,
With my eyes
Wide open.
I see myself
As I unsee myself.

What, you may ask,
Is this contradiction?

You see, this is
No contradiction.
This, is coming undone,
When you are so together.

Looking up, I see,
Truly see, the expanse
Of the universe;
Yours and mine.

Let's put a dent
In this universe,
That's neither yours
Nor mine.

Let's be. Let's truly be;
In this, here, now,
Together and alone

Monday, August 10, 2015

Crumbling Walls

You saw me through the veil,
Through a carefully constructed
Façade I had over my face,
Until you reached my core.
You became the mirror I was afraid of,
Shining a bright light in to my eyes.
Neither love nor friendship
Ever gave me this feeling
Of being bare;
Completely and utterly naked
Face to face with myself.

I wonder if you truly see me,
Or is it still just a reflection you see
That I have shown the world…
Every single day, every single night?
Memories may fade, of laughter
And tears, of happiness and sadness;
But this cloudy night will remain
Even as the universe dissipates
Into another unholy big bang.
I will stand still remembering,
Sighing and tearing up but never crying.

See me my dear, truly see me
Not today, not tomorrow,
But in the multiple nows
That make up life; both yours and mine.
As the night turns to day
I will remain standing here
Gazing in to my own eyes
Seeing you see me,
Looking deep within, with that familiar frown
Adorning your face, a faint smile
Creeping into your eyes.

Yes, you see me, you found me
And now I am lost unto myself.
I’ll stand right here, mourning
The death of a life that could have been;
Silently standing...
Gazing in to my own eyes.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


The wind howls.
The skies bellow.
Deep inside, she trembles.
Drowning in the downpour,
She is squished like a bug.

Years later she yawns
And stretches, as she wakes up.
Her soul rattles in the aftermath
Of a storm so long ago,
It seems but just a dream.

Gliding down from open skies,
She lets the wind guide her.
Gently landing on a blade of grass,
She melts into the earth;
Lying down to rest... now and forever.

Friday, February 13, 2015

So, here’s the world, remade!

If I had to remake the world, I would keep it just the way it is with just two changes. There is a lot wrong with the world today but these two things are all I would change and then hope that all other things wrong will sort itself out.

The problem with the world as it is today began with the evolution of human beings. Food and shelter being primary needs, humans began ravaging the earth to ensure that they survived. In order to have control over resources where food and shelter was abundant. There began a struggle to have and control more than others. As the world transformed, those with more energy and power had better access to food, shelter and more than is needed to survive.

The other problem with the human race today that I would like to change stems strongly from inequality. The foremost and oldest being gender inequality. Controlling women meant increasing one’s tribe and thereby having more people to work and create more wealth and thereby more power.

The first change in a world remade…
Imagine a world where trees thrive.
Trees with leaves that were solar panels;
An end to fighting over food and energy.
Imagine a world where trees thrive.

The second change in a world remade…
Imagine a world where each human would thrive.
Both men and women would bear children;
An end to power control and rapes.
Imagine a world where every human would thrive.

Oh yes, there is the problem with population so…
A human could bear a child only once in their lifetime.
Sorry, but that’s the way it would be in a world remade
Remade by me… Remade by me…

“So, here’s the world, remade!” I would beam.

I am participating in the #TheWorldRemade activityat BlogAdda in association with India Today #Conclave15. This is my take on what I would change if the world was remade.

Monday, September 08, 2014

I Was To Write About Love

As part of the Marathon Bloggers group on Facebook, I was to write on the topic of Love owing to  the fact that it was Valentine's Day week/month. Firstly, I had to set aside a mind-block I have about such commercialized days which only benefits the Archie's of the world, before I could sit down to write this.

Love to me is a very complex emotion. An emotion that I am constantly unearthing in myself and defining as I travel through this life. For a very long time, I was in love with the concept of being in love and so it was easy to think I was in love over and over again, with family, with friends, with people I had just met and so on.

Over the years though, I know one thing for sure, I know how to figure out if I love someone. I know I love someone when I feel the intense need to protect them even when I am angry with them. This holds good for any relationship - as a mother, as a friend, as a daughter, as a partner, as a niece and as a sister.

If that's the case, what emotion would be the opposite of love? I asked myself...
My answer - it is pure indifference. I know I do not love someone when there is a complete lack of empathy on my part towards the other person regardless of situations and circumstances. Followed by no guilt when I feel this way (or rather don't feel).

So, well when I started, I was to write about love but here I am understanding love by learning what love is not. As the journey continues, the definition of love for me will either get more pronounced, redefined or blurred. When I am really old and grey, may be the definition will not matter, may be the fact that I have been loved and have loved will be my definition of love. Until then this is it!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

To Listen Was to Hear

She stood in the rain, at crossroads with herself.
'Should I move straight ahead or follow the fallen leaves?'
She closed her eyes and continued to walk.
The path was chosen, she felt it with her bare feet.
She smelt the air and followed the mixture of scents calling to her.

A week passed by as she continued walking,
Seeing nothing, for her eyes were shut.
She heard every sound, 
From the distant rustle of birds on a tree,
To the blade of grass stepped on by beasts.

Something, somewhere caught her attention.
Was it a sound, a smell or a feel on her bare arms?
She couldn't say.

She knew she had to stop, for this was her calling.
This was where she had to wait till she grew a new tree.
She dug the earth deep and sowed the little seed.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Today the poetry is lost in me
The words flow yet there's no poetry
Pardon my grammar and ignore the
Lack of punctuations.

I am as happy as you are
I am as sad as you are.
Don't read my words with envy
I won't listen to your music with envy.

My thoughts lay out bare
While you protect yours.
Read between these lines
I will see beyond your perfect world.

The world seems normal
Despite all the chaos.
Do you see the chaos
Can I see the calmness?

These words need to stop now
I might just add to your chaos.
The calm in your mind
Is the calm in mine.
The chaos in yours
Is the chaos in mine.
This universe is balanced...
And will continue to be.

Friday, July 12, 2013

These Are The Good Old Days

Tomorrow you will be happy,
Tomorrow you will cry,
Tomorrow you will be full of fear,
Tomorrow you will soar high.

Can't guarantee you any of that...
Today is what it is,
Can say this to you my dear;
These are the good old days.

Yesterday was filled with toys,
Yesterday was all about friends,
Yesterday you made your mistakes,
Yesterday you chose your path right.

Don't know anything about that...
Today this is where you are,
Can say this to you my dear;
These are the good old days.

Today you are jumping with joy,
Today you wake up to tears,
Today your voice trembles,
Today the music fills your soul,

Won't judge you by any of that...
Today is your day and mine,
Can say this to you my dear;
These are the good old days.

Monday, July 08, 2013

As The Moon Saunters Along

Many moons ago, you sat in solitude,
Heading towards the unknown...
A strand of hair sweeping past your face,
The shine in your eyes, barely visible.

'Defining moments, these...'
You whispered to yourself,
Seven days a week,
Four weeks a month,
Twelve months a year,
Many years a lifetime.

The silent waves from the womb
Of the Universe swept past -
You, me and everyone around.
Taking with it the solitude,
Bringing with it blessings, sorrow and joy.

Wake up! Look past the moon,
The waves and the days...
The infectious glint in your eyes
It spreads humour and laughter; Hope and joy...
To me, you and everyone around.

Monday, July 01, 2013

The Music And The Signs

Stars above tell their stories...
Though you don't lend them a ear,
They sing out in all their glory!
Stories of every smile and every tear.

As you walk your walk,
The wind caresses you by.
Carrying with her, every little rock,
Every little tale, of 'morrow...
And of yesteryears.

The paths that you trod...
Oh! So mechanically,
They look up at the sun and nod,
Crooning about the other path.
Urging you to choose the road,
Lying just around the corner.

The mountain that stands
Majestic and tall...
As you scale him, he smiles
And trembles, moving
Every boulder, big and small
Hoping you stumble,
Yet stand up and look about.

The stars, the wind,
The winding roads and the mountain,
All tell you the same story,
All sing out the same song.
Listen to them oh lonely one...
See the signs they work hard to show.
While all the time you curse them so
"Stop casting these dark shadows in my path!"

Sunday, June 02, 2013

No, I am Not Writing This Today

No, I am not writing this today
Come what may
I am jut not writing this today
Or any other day!

Some days words just don't flow out as easily as others.  Stories stay stuck in my head and refuse to be born. It's after a day like this that I don't sleep so well at night. The stories in my head make for delusional dreams. It's not a writer's block, no. It somehow is just not time yet for these stories to be told. On days like this, I just let the universe take control of my day and give my angels some more time to set things up right for me.

Saturday was a day like that. I began writing this post yesterday but somehow things were just not meant to be. We were to go away for the weekend to a place with water sports and loads of activities, but as it turned out the plan had to be cancelled at the last minute. I was to get myself a Vespa yesterday after months of deliberation and planning but as things turned out, I did buy it but didn't get the bike yet. Under such circumstances I would have been highly strung that things were not going as planned. However a few months back in a +Paulo Coelho book I read that if things are not going your way, stop and take a few moments to relax, your angels are working hard to set the right time and circumstances for something good to happen to you. Give your angels the time they need instead of making them work even more harder setting up obstacles to curb all the rushing around that you do.

So, NO, I couldn't have completed this post yesterday no matter how hard I tried just as I couldn't get away for the weekend break or get the bike yesterday. But here it is, with Blog-A-Prompt word NO, this sure was a tough post to complete. There's no beginning or end to this post, it just is.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Every child should raise itself!

Me: V, your tummy is so yummy... who made your tummy?
V: I don't know. You tell me.
Me: I made your yummy tummy
V: No. Look at your lovely big tummy. I made it so big!

The title of this post is from Anne Frank "The Diary of a Young Girl"
I just finished reading this amazing book and the timing seemed perfect. As a mother of an inquisitive almost 11 year old daughter, it has given me some food for thought and excellent insight into girls of that age. Obviously every child is different et all but some generalizations work and provide a good foundation for parents to do more good than harm in the process of parenting.

I am just glad that my little girl has the habit of both keeping a diary and talking to me. So far, so good. She is a normal and lovely 11 year old and beautiful human being. Hoping that I am able to continue doing justice to her life!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Daughter... On Growing Up

V: Mama, you know how everyone says they want to be like this or that person when they grow up.

Me: Yes.

V: Do you know who I want to be like when I grow up?

Me: No. Tell me baby.

V: I want to be just me.

Me: (In my mind - Awww....)
When she was barely 2.5 years old. Now all of 10!

You know, when we were growing up everyone of us said we wanted to be like this or that person when we grow up. Guess what? We all grew up to be just us. Once expectations are set closer to reality, life should be less like a fight and more like a beautiful journey.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

My life is my inspiration !

I have been that little girl who trusted and lost, who grew up too early for her age, who always had a smile on her face while she wore borrowed & faded clothes to school. I have been that teenage girl who began working when she turned 18, curbing her dreams of going to college. I have been that working professional who did a kick-ass job every time but had to feel apologetic every time she had to take a day off for her daughter’s PTA meeting. I have been that neurotic single mom who has screamed and yelled, who has sometimes felt so exhausted at the end of a day because she just wants to put her feet up & relax. 

I have been that little girl who made friends easily, who played every sport in school, who was forever the tomboy. I have been that teenage girl who bought her first bike with her own money, who wasn’t afraid to ride home at midnight every day after work, who had her first drink when she was 18. I have been that working professional who brought in happiness and cheer to work, who was always there to help out, who made friends out of colleagues. I have been that friend who’s always there, who always called her friends to wish them happy birthday. I have been that single mom who never tires of making her daughter laugh in all the strangest ways, who cooks her heart out because she knows her daughter will wallop a dish, who never tires of telling her daughter she loves her.
I am not you & my life over 37 years has been my inspiration!