Monday, August 10, 2015

Crumbling Walls

You saw me through the veil,
Through a carefully constructed
Façade I had over my face,
Until you reached my core.
You became the mirror I was afraid of,
Shining a bright light in to my eyes.
Neither love nor friendship
Ever gave me this feeling
Of being bare;
Completely and utterly naked
Face to face with myself.

I wonder if you truly see me,
Or is it still just a reflection you see
That I have shown the world…
Every single day, every single night?
Memories may fade, of laughter
And tears, of happiness and sadness;
But this cloudy night will remain
Even as the universe dissipates
Into another unholy big bang.
I will stand still remembering,
Sighing and tearing up but never crying.

See me my dear, truly see me
Not today, not tomorrow,
But in the multiple nows
That make up life; both yours and mine.
As the night turns to day
I will remain standing here
Gazing in to my own eyes
Seeing you see me,
Looking deep within, with that familiar frown
Adorning your face, a faint smile
Creeping into your eyes.

Yes, you see me, you found me
And now I am lost unto myself.
I’ll stand right here, mourning
The death of a life that could have been;
Silently standing...
Gazing in to my own eyes.