Monday, June 18, 2007

She Is The Wind

Gentle winds,
Rustling the leaves;
A message in her being,
Perfume on her lips;
Someone’s tears,
Chuckles of a baby;
Laden with these,
And much more,
She travels the world.
Free, yet restrained;
Calm, yet anxious;
Fast, yet gentle;
She passes you,
She passes me.
Caressing my cheeks,
As she carries my words,
Hidden in a silent whisper,
Across the globe, to newer worlds.


  1. Poetry, though sometimes beautiful, is essentially an escape.

    What are you escaping from? What is it that you don't want to put in plain words?

  2. Hmmm... well honestly there's nothing to escape from. I use poetry as another form of communicating, purely for myself. I share it online coz different people derive different meanings from words, that's all! :)

  3. never knew you used to write such beautiful verses. really meaningful - true, she carries your words to newer worlds !

  4. Hehe... Thank you... Well I have rediscovered the art of writing coz I had stopped when I was about 14. I'm so glad I started off again though!
